Bushcraft Instructors & Courses
Bushcraft imparts the knowledge and skill to live off the land with minimal reliance on tools and equipment. Here are some of bushcraft trainers and instructors who run courses across Australia.
Bushcraft Instructors - Ongoing Training Courses
Bushcraft Survival Australia
June 2024 Courses - Held in Nannup, WA, don't miss out!
Bushcraft Survival Australia is an outdoor bushcraft survival school for both adults and children dedicated to teaching genuine and authentic modern and traditional outdoor living skills through carefully designed educational courses. Visit their website for course information and dates.
Email: enquiries@bushcraftsurvivalaustralia.com.au
Tel: (+61) 0417 693 904
Jake Cassar Bushcraft
Jake Cassar is a passionate Bushcraft teacher, youth mentor and conservationist. Fast becoming known as one of Australia’s foremost authorities on edible and medicinal plants, Jake’s presentations, courses and tours are upbeat, interactive, engaging and include a comprehensive display of native and exotic plants and an in-depth description of some of the plants uses. Jake also shares how to make bush twine/rope, primitive fire making, tracking, weather prediction and so much more.
Tel: 0405 424 124
Rick J Petersen
Rick J Petersen is based in Queensland. Rick is married, and a father to two young men. A former military survival instructor, Rick is passionate about empowering families to create stronger unified relationship while encouraging their spirit of adventure to step into the great outdoors with confidence and capability. Check out their events, treks, and workshops that discuss, demonstrate and teach hands on skills relating to survival bushcraft techniques and working with Nature and not against it. The events page on his website is continually updated with new event dates continually added.
Australian Survival Instructors
Just 1 hour drive Nth of Sydney CBD, on the New South Wales Central Coast, Australian Survival Instructors operate Survival, Bushcraft, Primitive Survival Technology Skills, Bow Making, Blacksmithing, Traditional Tanning and Foraging courses. A.S.I is the most comprehensive Education facility of it’s kind in Australia. A.S.I employs a variety of qualified Bushcraft & Wilderness Survival Instructors. When you or your group book a course with A.S.I, you will not only be privileged to enjoy premium teaching standards (Kev Newton has taught Australian Special Forces), Qualified male & female Instructors (inc Ex ADF & current ABA members), but you will also be surrounded by 3,000 acres of Rainforests, Tidal Rivers, Caves, Marshland, Sandstone Escarpments and Dry Sclerophyl Eucalypt Forests.
Bob Cooper - Outback Survival
Australia has, without question, some of the harshest conditions on Earth, with a host of wildlife and plants that can be both friend and foe in time of need. Born and educated in Western Australia, Bob has delivered these Outback Safety and Survival courses since 1990 and is considered the leading desert survival instructor in Australia.
Email: info@bobcoopersurvival.com
Tel: (+61) 08 9572 3604
The Warrior’s Path Academy - Online Bushcraft and Survival Training Courses
The Warrior’s Path Academy is run by the renowned survivalist expert and instructor Rich Hungerford. A resource rich, comprehensive online learning journey with the aim of not just imparting bushcraft and survival skills, but building strong, balanced warriors who will protect and serve others, around the core principles of Warrior Mindset, Creative Combatives, and Survival & Tracking – all in the comfort of your own home.
Email: thewarriorspathacademy@gmail.com
Tel: 0409 885 949
ASM Australian School of Mountaineering
Location(s): NSW
(+61) 2 4782 2014
Email: info@asmguides.com
Australian Survival Instructors
Location(s): NSW
Kevin Newton: 0423 572 048
E-mail: info@aussiesurvivalinstructors.com
Bluegum Bushcraft
Location(s): NSW
Gina: 0412 181 943
Lee: 0466 535 549
Email: info@bluegumbushcraft.com.au
Bushcraft Survival Australia
Location(s): NSW & NT
Gordon Dedman: +61 417 693 904
E-mail: enquiries@bushcraftsurvivalaustralia.com.au
Jake Cassar Bushcraft
Location(s): NSW
Jake Cassar: +61 405 424 124
High & Wild Australian Adventures
Location(s): NSW
(02) 4782 6224
Email: Info@highandwild.com.au
Wildcraft Australia
Location(s): NSW
0412 216 485
0425 334 153
Email: wildcraftaustralia@gmail.com
Wild Heart
Location(s): NSW
0412 181 943
Bushcraft Survival Australia
Location(s): VIC, NSW & NT
Gordon Dedman: +61 417 693 904
E-mail: enquiries@bushcraftsurvivalaustralia.com.au
Rick J Peterson Surviva & Bushcraft Training
Location(s): QLD
Bushcraft Survival Australia
Location(s): NSW & NT
Gordon Dedman: +61 417 693 904
E-mail: enquiries@bushcraftsurvivalaustralia.com.au
Survival Courses Tasmania
Chief Instructor: Alex Mileham
Email: enquiries@survivalcoursestasmania.au
0406 334 754
Tasmanian Mountain Guides
Location(s): TAS
Email: enquiries@tasmtnguides.com.au
0400 610 918
Bushcraft WA
Location(s): WA
0403 172 739
Email: mike@bushcraftwa.com.au
Bob Cooper Outback Survival
Location(s): WA
(+61) 08 9572 3604
Email: info@bobcoopersurvival.com